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Main Purpose serves as the AI media and data hub of Israel, providing insights into startups, investors, and people in the field of artificial intelligence.

Key Features

  • Access to Profiles and Data: offers access to thousands of profiles and millions of data points, allowing users to gain insights into startups, investors, and individuals in the AI industry.
  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: Users can rely on the data provided by to stay informed and ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence.

Use Case

  • Startup Research: is a valuable resource for researchers and analysts who want to study and understand the startup ecosystem in the field of artificial intelligence.
  • Investor Insights: Investors can leverage to gain insights into AI startups and make informed investment decisions.
  • Business Intelligence: provides business intelligence for companies operating in the AI industry, helping them stay updated on the latest trends, startups, and investors.

Alternative AI Tools

Microsoft Research Blog | FutureHurry

Sharing research advancements and insights | FutureHurry

Stay Informed on Tech Industry

Google AI Blog | FutureHurry

Gain insights and assistance from NotebookLM | FutureHurry

Crypto Trading and Financial Services

VidIQ | FutureHurry

Video Optimization and Audience Insights

VidIQ | FutureHurry

YouTube Video Optimization and Insights

HypeAuditor | FutureHurry

Influencer Marketing Analytics and Insights

Mixpanel Spark Beta | FutureHurry

Obtain insights from data using AI

Monarch Money | FutureHurry

Manage Personal Finances and Budgeting

Crisp | FutureHurry

Business Messaging Platform for Startups & SMBs

Ramp Intelligence | FutureHurry

Provide AI-powered solutions for finance teams to improve productivity and bottom lines

Google Developers Blog | FutureHurry

Providing News and Insights for Developers

6sense | FutureHurry

Revenue AI for Sales | FutureHurry

Weather Intelligence and Insights | FutureHurry

Instagram Analytics and Insights | FutureHurry

Make informed investment decisions

AnyClip | FutureHurry

Video Management and Monetization

GPT3Demo - BloombergGPT | FutureHurry

Explore BloombergGPT's Financial Applications | FutureHurry

Text Analytics and Insights | FutureHurry

AI-powered mobile marketing and monetization

Sharly AI | FutureHurry

Document Analysis and Data Insights for Project Management

Composer | FutureHurry

Investing with professional strategies