6sense | FutureHurry
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Main Purpose

The main purpose of the 6sense platform is to revolutionize the way B2B organizations create, manage, and convert pipeline to revenue. It provides AI-powered revenue creation technology for sales teams.

Key Features

  • Complete Buyer Intelligence: 6sense provides access to comprehensive buyer intelligence and contact data within the tools that sales teams already use daily.
  • Prioritization of In-Market Accounts: The platform enables sellers to prioritize in-market accounts, allowing them to focus on the best opportunities and boost productivity.
  • Sales Intelligence Consolidation: 6sense consolidates sales intelligence, account and buyer insights, and rich contact data in one platform, streamlining the sales process.
  • Integration with CRM and Sales Engagement Platforms: The platform integrates seamlessly with CRM and sales engagement platforms, providing efficient prospecting workflows without the need for additional tech or browser tabs.
  • AI-Based Recommendations: 6sense utilizes AI to provide sellers with prioritized recommendations for account engagement, reducing manual effort and guiding them on which contacts to acquire or engage.

Use Case

  • Efficient Prospecting: 6sense helps sales teams streamline their prospecting efforts by providing access to a broad set of data, including company hierarchy, job insights, technographic and psychographic data, and more.
  • Account Prioritization: The platform enables sellers to prioritize in-market accounts based on comprehensive buyer intelligence, allowing them to focus on the most promising opportunities for conversion.
  • Improved Sales Productivity: By consolidating sales intelligence and providing AI-based recommendations, 6sense helps sales teams save time on research and unproductive activities, allowing them to spend more time closing deals.
Pricing Model:

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