Google AI Blog | FutureHurry
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Main Purpose

The main purpose of the Google AI Blog is to provide updates, announcements, and insights about Google's advancements and research in the field of artificial intelligence.

Key Features

  • Gemini AI Model: Introducing Gemini, Google's most capable AI model yet, which is built to be multimodal and can understand and combine different types of information.
  • Gemini Pro: A fine-tuned version of Gemini used for advanced reasoning, planning, and understanding in Google products.
  • Gemini Nano: A version of Gemini designed for on-device tasks, powering features like summarization and smart reply in Pixel 8 Pro smartphones.
  • Gemini API: Developers and enterprise customers can access Gemini Pro via the Gemini API in Google AI Studio or Google Cloud Vertex AI.

Use Case

  • Google products: Gemini Pro is being integrated into various Google products to enhance reasoning, planning, and understanding capabilities.
  • Pixel smartphones: Gemini Nano powers features like summarization and smart reply in Pixel 8 Pro smartphones.
  • Developers and enterprise customers: They can access Gemini Pro via the Gemini API for building applications and leveraging Gemini's advanced capabilities.
Pricing Model:

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AI News and Research Podcast

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Advancing Enterprise AI Research

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Provide information about their research, breakthrough technologies, and mission to build AI responsibly for the benefit of humanity

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Research paper analysis

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Photo Animation and Genealogical Research

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Research Discovery and Evaluation

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Literature Assistance for Scientific Research

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AI Research Assistant

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AI Research and Development

Keywords Everywhere | FutureHurry

Keyword Research and Analysis

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Researching and Purchasing Products

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Research paper conversation assistant

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Autonomous Online Research Agent

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Supporting researchers with AI tools and expert publication services

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Crypto research and trading assistance

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AI-powered market research and insights