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Main Purpose

The main purpose of JARVIS is to connect Language and Learning Models (LLMs) with the Machine Learning (ML) community. It aims to bridge the gap between research and production by providing a system that enables collaboration and sharing of LLM models and resources.

Key Features

  • Model Sharing: JARVIS allows researchers and developers to share their LLM models with the ML community.
  • Collaboration: The platform facilitates collaboration among researchers and developers, enabling them to work together on LLM projects.
  • Resource Sharing: JARVIS provides a system for sharing resources related to LLMs, such as datasets, pre-trained models, and evaluation metrics.
  • Community Engagement: The platform encourages engagement and knowledge sharing within the ML community, fostering innovation and advancement in LLM research.

Use Case

  • LLM Research: JARVIS is useful for researchers working on Language and Learning Models, providing them with a platform to share their models, collaborate with others, and access valuable resources.
  • ML Development: Developers can leverage JARVIS to access pre-trained LLM models, datasets, and evaluation metrics, accelerating their ML development process.
  • Knowledge Sharing: JARVIS enables the ML community to share insights, best practices, and advancements in LLM research, promoting collaboration and learning.

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