LensAI | FutureHurry
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Main Purpose

LensAI is an artificial intelligence (AI) platform that leverages computer vision technology to enable real-time shoppable advertising within images and videos.

Key Features

  • Computer Vision: LensAI utilizes computer vision to detect and analyze visual elements in images and videos, including object recognition, gender and age recognition, and contextual analysis.
  • Object Recognition: The platform identifies objects within images and videos with over 90% accuracy, allowing for precise targeting and advertising placement.
  • Contextual Analysis: LensAI analyzes the overall setting and relevant details of the visual content to ensure contextual relevance and safety for serving shoppable ads.
  • Associative Thinking Algorithms: The platform employs unique associative thinking algorithms to search through a vast database of products and select the best-matching or relevant products for advertising.
  • Consideration of Market Trends: LensAI takes into account current market trends and the presence of detected brands when making advertising decisions.
  • Real-time Ad Serving: Ads are served in less than a second, providing users with immediate shopping opportunities.

Use Case

  • Real-time Shoppable Advertising: LensAI enables publishers and advertisers to seamlessly integrate shoppable ads within images and videos, allowing users to shop directly from the visual content.
  • Contextual Targeting: The platform ensures that the ads presented are contextually relevant to the visual content, enhancing user engagement and increasing the likelihood of conversions.
  • Enhanced Monetization: LensAI helps publishers and advertisers monetize their content by providing a platform for real-time shoppable advertising, generating revenue from user interactions and purchases.
Pricing Model:

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