Ultralytics | FutureHurry
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Main Purpose

The main purpose of Ultralytics is to revolutionize the world of Vision AI by providing tools and solutions for model development, training, deployment, and hosting.

Key Features

  • Dataset Management: Users can easily upload and manage their datasets by dragging and dropping them onto the platform.
  • AI Model Configuration: Ultralytics offers a selection of configurations for different AI tasks, allowing users to customize their models.
  • Model Deployment: Users can export their trained models to various formats (such as TensorFlow, ONNX, CoreML, etc.), run models directly on smartphones, and host them in their products.

Use Case

  • AI Model Developers: Ultralytics provides a platform for AI model development, training, and deployment, making it suitable for researchers, developers, and data scientists working on computer vision tasks.
  • Product Developers: Ultralytics enables product developers to integrate AI models into their products by providing easy-to-use deployment options.
Pricing Model:

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