Main Purpose
The main purpose of the GPTZero website is to provide an AI detector for ChatGPT, GPT-4, and other AI models.
Key Features
- AI Detection: GPTZero offers AI detection capabilities to identify whether a given text is AI-generated or human-written.
- Writing Reports: The website provides behind-the-scenes Writing Reports that can be used by educators for a holistic assessment of student work.
- Accuracy Levels: The accuracy of the AI model increases as more text is submitted, with higher accuracy at the document-level classification compared to paragraph-level and sentence-level.
- Training on Diverse Text: GPTZero is trained on a diverse set of human and AI-generated text, with a majority of the dataset consisting of English prose written by adults.
- Limitations: The classifier may sometimes flag other machine-generated or highly procedural text as AI-generated, and it may not identify heavily modified AI-generated text.
Use Case
- Education: GPTZero can be used by educators to assess student work and detect AI-generated content, providing insights for a more comprehensive evaluation.
- Content Moderation: The AI detection capabilities of GPTZero can be utilized for content moderation purposes, identifying AI-generated text in various contexts.