Smart Candles | FutureHurry
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Main Purpose

The main purpose of the Smart Candles website is to provide an indicator for traders that uses various volume, price, and trend-based indicators to identify possible local top and bottom zones on a chart.

Key Features

  • Indicator: Smart Candles is an indicator that utilizes several volume, price, and trend-based indicators to identify potential top and bottom zones on a chart.
  • Multiple Indicators: The indicator incorporates various indicators such as DPO, RSI, CMO, Helers DMI, Flower Indicator, and Wave Trend.
  • Color-coded Candles: The indicator uses color-coding to represent the market conditions, with red indicating a possible top and green indicating a possible bottom.

Use Case

  • Technical Analysis: Smart Candles can be used by traders for technical analysis to identify potential turning points in the market based on the color-coded candles.
  • Market Timing: Traders can utilize Smart Candles to time their entries and exits in the market by identifying potential top and bottom zones.
  • Trend Reversals: The indicator can help traders identify potential trend reversals by highlighting possible top and bottom areas on the chart.
Pricing Model:

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