Scan My Golf Ball | FutureHurry
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Main Purpose

The main purpose of Scan My Golf Ball is to provide a mobile app and website platform that allows golfers to analyze and identify details about their golf balls using AI technology.

Key Features

  • Golf Ball Scanning: Users can scan their golf balls using the ScanMyGolfBall mobile app by pointing the camera at the ball, and AI algorithms will analyze and reveal its details.
  • Identification: The AI algorithms will identify the make and model of the golf ball, eliminating the need for guesswork or tedious searches.
  • Playability Fit: Users can answer a few quick questions about their playing style to receive personalized golf ball recommendations.

Use Case

  • Golfers: Scan My Golf Ball is designed for golfers who want to analyze and identify the details of their golf balls, receive personalized recommendations, and improve their game.
Pricing Model:

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